they were warm in their praise of… 意味

  • 熱心に…をほめた


        extend warm praise in regard to someone's assistance:    (人)の支援{しえん}を心から評価{ひょうか}する
        as it were:    as it were 恰も あたかも 謂わば いわば
        if it were not for:    (現在の事実に反対の仮定を表して)もし~がなかったら If it were not for her children, I would ask her to marry me. 彼女に子どもがいなかったら、私は彼女に結婚を申し込むだろう。 The man may have been killed if it were not for the police intervention. 警察の介入
        were:     WERE {略} : where どこ◆インターネット
        were it not for:     wère it nót for ... ((文))=
        in praise of:    ~を褒めたたえて、~を褒めて The newspaper reported in praise of our products. その新聞記事では、我が社の製品が称賛されていた。
        praise:     1praise n. 称賛, ほめ言葉; 賛美. 【動詞+】 He accepted the praise. その称賛の言葉を受け入れた accord praise to God 神を賛美する Accord him praise for good work. よくやったと彼をほめてやりなさい allot one's praise and bl
        to praise:    to praise 褒め立てる ほめたてる 誉め称える ほめたたえる 褒めそやす ほめそやす 褒める 誉める ほめる 褒めちぎる ほめちぎる 褒め奉る ほめまつる 上げる あげる 褒め称える ほめたたえる 言い囃す いいはやす
        in the warm:    暖かい所で
        to warm:    to warm 言い聞かす いいきかす 温める 暖める あたためる
        warm:     1warm n. 《口語》 暖まること; 《口語》 暖かい所. 【動詞+】 Come and have a warm by the fire. さあ来て火にあたりなさい. 【前置詞+】 I'm staying in the warm today. きょうは暖かい所にいようと思う Come into the warm. 暖かい所に入りなさい.
        warm to:    ~に共感を寄せる、~に身が入る、熱が入ってくる
        and then there were none:    {映画-1} : そして誰もいなくなった◆英1945《監督》ルネ?クレール《出演》バリー?フィッツジェラルド◆この作品以降数回リメイクされているが、今なお本作品をベストに推す声が多い。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {著作} : そして誰もいなくなった◆英1939
        as if it it were that easy:    簡単{かんたん}なことのように、事も無げに◆大変なことを気軽に言う、大変なはずなのに簡単にできてしまう、など "Why don't we find someone who can put music to our lyrics." "As if it's that easy!" 「私たちの詩に曲を付けてくれる人を見つければいいじゃない」「簡単に言うけどねえ」
        as if it were a picnic:    (遊びではないのに)まるでピクニック気分{きぶん}で


  1. "they were very cute about my mistake"の英語
  2. "they were very happy in their work"の英語
  3. "they were very incensed at the statement published yesterday"の英語
  4. "they were victims of lusts they couldn't control"の英語
  5. "they were waiting in line for tickets"の英語
  6. "they were warmly cheered"の英語
  7. "they were warned off twice, but still came back"の英語
  8. "they were wartime allies"の英語
  9. "they were wary of embarking on such an ambitious project"の英語
  10. "they were victims of lusts they couldn't control"の英語
  11. "they were waiting in line for tickets"の英語
  12. "they were warmly cheered"の英語
  13. "they were warned off twice, but still came back"の英語

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